We have 250 students at Avalon Intermediate and most of our tamariki are from Taitā, Pomare and Stokes Valley. We run 10 classrooms and our classrooms are organised into 3 teams; Team Tūī, Team Ruru and Team Kāhu. Students spend most of their learning time in their classroom so it's important that they can build a positive and strong relationship with their classroom teacher. Our staff spend a lot of time getting to know our learners and their whānau. Our students visit our Technology rooms on Mondays and Tuesdays for 90 minute lessons in Wood, Multi, Fabric, Food, Art and Science. Our weekly timetable is made up of Literacy and Numeracy, PE and Health, Inquiry, Te Reo Māori, Technology and the Arts/Languages. Students can also attend weekly Kapa Haka and Poly Club sessions which are held during school time.
Sports: We are proud to be part of the Wellington Intermediate Schools Sporting Association which means that we attend all Inter School Tournaments with the other 14 Intermediates across the Wellington region. Students who are interested in representing our school at these events attend trials and trainings as part of preparing for these competitions. We have teams who play Basketball at Walter Nash on Wednesday afternoons/evenings in Terms 2 and 3, as well as teams who play Netball at Taitā Courts on Saturdays in Terms 2 and 3. Floorball is offered in Term 1, Waterpolo in Term 2 and Badminton in Term 4. We have teams who play touch at Fraser Park in Term 1 and in Term 4. Because we are a relatively small intermediate school, there are LOTS of opportunities to play sport as long as you are committed, reliable and try your best!
Our Values: Ngā tikanga, the values that underpin the way that our school works are:
KAITIAKITANGA - Guardianship
MAURI ORA - Wellbeing